非常喜欢这首歌,很清澈,很静谧,开头的starry starry night就像把你带到了梵高的《星夜》之下一样。
歌曲中总的基调是深蓝的,散发着淡淡的忧伤。在深邃墨蓝的星夜之下感受着当年梵高一样的孤独,尽管是天才,却不为人所认同:They would not listen; they did not know how!所以作为一个天才,他也只有默默的承受:Now I understand,What you tried to say to me,And how you suffered for your sanity,And how you tried to set them free!留给他的只能是suffer,以及用用他的画笔默默地Paint his palette blue and gray,Shadows on the hills,Sketch the trees and the daffodils,Catch the breeze and the winter chills,并且Look out With eyes that know the darkness in his soul。
英雄是孤独的,天才是寂寞的!孤独在于没有人可以匹及,寂寞在于没有人可以理解!众多像梵高这样的艺术家(当然也包括像傅立叶,伽罗华这样的科学家)生前才华横溢却由于其过于天才而不被平凡的众人理解。而只有等到他们死后,其价值才为人们所发掘,幸好——Perhaps they'll listen now!
最后我想说的也是:This world was never meant For one as beautiful as you!
p.s 非常感谢lz,我以前一直不知道这首歌是讲的梵高,我还一直以为是作者对一个叫vincent的小朋友的劝导呢——这个小朋友是天才个小画家,画的东西一直不被人理解,并且说了This world was never meant For one as beautiful as you来鼓励他,让他别灰心。