Spins a webwhich grants the Broodmother invisibility in an area, truesight, as well as apassive speed increase.
一级 - 最多2张蛛网。
二级 - 最多4张蛛网。
三级 - 最多6张蛛网。
四级 - 最多8张蛛网。
Level 1 - Canhave 2 webs.
Level 2 - Canhave 4 webs.
Level 3 - Canhave 6 webs.
Level 4 - Canhave 8 webs.
麻痹之咬 (Incapacitating Bite) [P]
Gives theBroodmother venoms which will greatly reduce the target's ability to function,and deals extra damage.
Orb effect.
一级 - 使目标有10%的几率攻击落空,降低10%的移动速度,受到2点/秒的毒性伤害。
二级 - 使目标有15%的几率攻击落空,降低20%的移动速度,受到4点/秒的毒性伤害。
三级 - 使目标有20%的几率攻击落空,降低30%的移动速度,受到6点/秒的毒性伤害。
四级 - 使目标有25%的几率攻击落空,降低40%的移动速度,受到8点/秒的毒性伤害。
Level1 -Causes a target to miss 10% of the time for 4 seconds and slowsmovement speedby 10%. Doesn't stack with orb-based abilities. Adds 2damage to each attack.
Level 2 -Causes atarget to miss 15% of the time for 4 seconds and slows movement speedby20%. Doesn't stack with orb-based abilities. Adds 4 damage to eachattack.
Level 3 -Causes a target to miss20% of the time for 4 seconds and slows movement speedby 30%. Doesn'tstack with orb-based abilities. Adds 6 damage to each attack.
Level4 -Causes a target to miss 25% of the time for 4 seconds and slowsmovement speedby 40%. Doesn't stack with orb-based abilities. Adds 8damage to each attack.
极度饥渴 (Insatiable Hunger) [T]
TheBroodmotherthrows herself into violent thirst for vital fluids. This lustgreatlyincreases her attack damage and gives her a vampiric attack.
Lasts 20 seconds.
一级 - 增加育母蜘蛛60点的攻击力,40%的吸血,持续20秒。
二级 - 增加育母蜘蛛75点的攻击力,50%的吸血,持续20秒。
三级 - 增加育母蜘蛛90点的攻击力,60%的吸血,持续20秒。
Level 1 -Gives the Broodmother 60 bonus damage and 40% life steal for 20 seconds.
Level 2 -Gives the Broodmother 75 bonus damage and 50% life steal for 20 seconds.
Level 3 -Gives the Broodmother 90 bonus damage and 60% life steal for 20 seconds.