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无意中邂逅这首《the promise 》,为之久久地动情却不知出处,找了很久,原来她就在我的视野里很近很近,虽有失之交臂的遗憾,却所幸我们一直未曾离开。
舒缓柔美的旋律,充满了思忆与郁忧,不经意之间流露出的忧愁,令人不得不沉醉于其中 。她会温柔的扣击你的心扉,宛若绝尘的轻吟,禁不住会随音乐丝丝的潮湿而疼痛,温婉的深情,缱绻绵延。
Anberlin-The Promise
If you need a friend,
don’t look to a stranger,
You know in the end,
I’ll always be there.
and when you’re in danger,
Take a look all around,
and I’ll be there.
I’m sorry,
I’m sorry,
(I promise)
I know they don’t sound
the way I planned them to be.
(I promise)
But if you’ll wait around a while,
I’ll make you fall for me,
I promise, I promise you I will.
When your day is through,
and so is your temper,
You know what to do,
I’m gonna always be there.
it’s not what’s intended.
These words just come out,
with no gripe to bear.
I’m sorry,
but I’m just thinking of the right words to say.
(I promise)
I know they don’t sound
the way I planned them to be.
(I promise)
(I promise)
I’ll make you fall for me,
I promise, I promise you...
I’m sorry,
I’m sorry,
(I promise)
(I promise)
the way I planned them to be.
(I promise)
And if I had to walk the world,
I’d make you fall for me,
I promise, I promise you I will.
I gotta tell ya,
I gotta tell ya,
I gotta tell ya,
I gotta tell yaaaa ...
I’m sorry,
I’m sorry,
(I promise)
(I promise)
the way I planned them to be.
(I promise)
But if you’ll wait around a while,
I’ll make you fall for me,
I promise, I promise you...
I’m sorry,
but I’m just thinking of the right words to say.
(I promise)
I know they don’t sound
the way I planned them to be.
(I promise)
(I promise)
I’d make you fall for me,
I promise, I promise you I will ...
I will...
本帖最后由 wlp889 于 2010-5-16 19:32 编辑 ]